Kevin speaks from John 13:31-38
9.23.18 - The Gospel of John: Judas' Betrayel
Kevin speaks from John 13:18-30
9.16.18 - Deep Water Faith
Kevin speaks from Psalm 107:1-3, 43
9.9.18 - The Gospel of John: A Servant is not Greater than his Master
Curt speaks from John 13:6-17
9.2.18 - The Gospel of John: Jesus Washes Our Feet
Kevin speaks from John 13:1-5
8.26.18 - The Gospel of John: The Son of Man must be Lifted Up
Kevin speaks from John 12:27-50
8.19.18 - The Gospel of John: Losing Your Life & Finding Your Life
Kevin speaks from John 12:20-26
08.12.18 - The Gospel of John: Triumphal Entry - The Coming King
Kevin speaks from John 12:12-19
08.05.18 - The Gospel of John: The Anointing Fragrance
Kevin speaks from John 12:1-11
07.29.18 - Jesus and Our Tears
Sammy Rhodes speaks from John 11:1-6; 30-44